About Saver

This is the WWW version of "Saver".
A collector's limited edition with an extended program is also available.
The collector's version may be viewed, by appointment, at Sandra Gering Gallery
476 Broome Street, NYC, NY, Telephone (212) 226-8195

Click here for more information or to purchace "Saver"

Artist's Statement

Faced with the challenge of making art for the Web, I adapted my interests in the screens of painting and in video to include a third screen: the glowing computer monitor. I have always been interested in the paintings of Barnett Newman for the way in which they locate the individual as maker of gestures while simultaneously enfolding that individual within a vast, ambient field, thereby signaling their oneness. Using Newman's paintings as a resource, I want to make a piece that enfolded painting, video and computer technology into one, using these elements as complimentary components rather than antagonistic adversaries. The screen saver, those amusing little electronic paintings that creep over the screens of computers everywhere, provided further inspiration for the marriage of pixel and paint.

A note of thanks to John Simon without who's skill, creativity and understanding this project could not have been realized.

To Furthur the Project:
If you enjoy Saver and want to participate in a continuation of the project, here's how! Take a photo of Saver as it appears on your screen and mail it to the Sandra Gering Gallery, 476 Broome Street, 2nd Floor, New York, New York 10012. The photo can show your computer in its environment, rather like a still-life. What I am interested in is to see Saver as a painting within an interior. The photos will be collected and possibly exhibited together at a later date. Please include your name so you may be credited if the project is exhibited, however, all submissions will become the property of Cheryl Donegan.