10 Letters from Furkapass

9 DECEMBER 2000 - 6 JANUARY 2001

Sandra Gering Gallery is pleased to present a project by Cornelia Blatter published by COMA Edition entitled 10 Letters from Furkapass.

In 1997, Cornelia Blatter was invited to an artist's residency at the Furkapass in the Swiss Alps. The area had significance for the artist, as she had often driven through on childhood trips with her family. Inspired by the richness of her associations and memories, Blatter spent the residency writing letters to ten friends and family who, for various reasons, were lost to her. Once written and sealed, the letters were attached to balloons which Blatter then released into the landscape. She recorded the flight of each balloon in a photograph. Where the balloons journeyed to is unknown, as is the answer to whether or not anyone other than the artist has read the letters. Blatter's photographs, the remaining evidence of her project, contain a deep sense of emotion and mystery.

instalation view

instalation view